What is a Release?
A Release is a Build bundled with an optional Configuration and is ready for immediate execution on a Stage. Once a Release got published, it cannot be mutated, so for any change, a new Release must be deployed. Pergola stores the history of all Releases, and as a result, Releases can be traced back to the exact state they were in when they were deployed.
A Release always requires a successful Build. A Configuration is required only if your Project Manifest has references to configuration entries, or if you need customization per Stage (e.g. Identities).
How to deploy a Release?
Example for Web UI
Navigate to your Project on the start page or under the 'Projects' navigation and click on the Stage you want to deploy the Release on. On the right side, click on the '+ NEW RELEASE':
Choose the build you want to Release and the Config, then hit 'DEPLOY':
Example for CLI
pergola push release -s my-new-stage -p my-new-project -b master_b2
So the Release got pushed and is in the process of deploying. This should take only a few seconds, depending on the size of your application and the number of Components to be deployed.
You can retrieve all Releases for a specific Stage, including the Release just pushed, via:
$ pergola list releases -p my-new-project -s my-new-stage
| build | config | released | status |
| ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── |
| master_b2 | - | 29 seconds ago by Silas Dahmen | deployed |
For further options see CLI reference.